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What I do

I am an environmental economist and associate professor at the Department of Economics, Universidad de los Andes. I am also the Director of the Research Group on Environmental, Natural Resource, and Applied Economic Studies (REES), which is the Colombian research center of the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD), hosted by Uniandes. My research interests are the performance of environmental policy instruments with particular application to externalities and climate change, and the use of real time data provided by Apps to conduct impact evaluation.

In the past few years most of my research is focused on the economic effect of the industry and transport activity on air pollution. I empirically study the effectiveness, costs, and benefits of policy interventions designed to cut congestion and emissions, and analyze how firms and drivers respond to different kind of environmental regulations.

My research seeks to provide valuable insights to policymakers making visible the magnitude of the impacts of human decisions on air pollution, and enhances the discussion about the health effects on society.

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